Saturday, August 24, 2013

Update: Could it finally be our turn???

Well I know I am not the most consistent blogger in the world lol but I do my best. I jump around between my different blogs trying to focus on what is happening on my life at the moment. We had stopped trying to focus on getting pregnant so this blog got neglected a little bit. Sorry for that.

Anyway to catch everyone up on our family the reason we have been not trying to get pregnant is because my daughter was diagnosed with an aneurysmal bone cyst back in May and we were not sure what was going to come of it. Well just last week she ended up having surgery to remove the cyst and bone graft her bone. See why getting pregnant was not #1 on our list lol. Pretty stressful to know your daughter is going to have surgery at the age of 2.

Well once we knew that surgery was what was going to happen and we knew she would be in good hands we revisited the subject of getting pregnant. I was in the fridge one day and noticed the HMG injections that we had use last summer that failed. Well I noticed that they were getting pretty close to their expiration so I brought it up to Ryan. We decided to give it one more shot. I called and fertility clinic in Omaha to try and get an appointment but they couldn’t get us in until the middle of August. We made that appointment but the wait was going to be forever! (It was the middle of June) Well we really didn’t want to wait that long so we started talking about other options. I suggested just doing the injections ourselves and seeing what happens. I know it’s not the smartest option but I just had this feeling it was what we needed to do. So I sat down at the computer and started research.

After reading about other woman’s protocol and how they took their meds I formulated a plan. Our plan was to do Femara, an oral med, starting on cd3 and taking it for 5 days. Then on cd7 we started the HMG injections and did them for 6 days. I made an appointment with the OB clinic in North Platte to talk to them about doing an ultrasound to see if by chance the meds had worked. I went in and told them what was up and we did the ultrasound. The results were not very promising because there were not mature follicles. I left the doctors office not very hopeful.

Well as the days went on we started thinking about what we were going to do. We still had an appointment in Omaha with the fertility doctor so we figured we would just keep that appointment and see what they had to say. I started looking at medication prices and planning out our next cycle. Well around cd20 I started having some ovulation symptoms. I was kind of shocked because I was pretty sure that this cycle was a bust. Well I kept charting my symptoms and temps and sure enough on cd23 we ovulated! I was floored! We were supposed to be seeing the fertility doctor in a little over a week and we had just ovulated! Now the wait!

I tried so hard to stay hopeful that it would all work out but we had been in this same spot several times before. Every time it had ended in heartache! I tried to keep myself busy so that I would not dwell on it and just wait and see. I had a plan to test for pregnancy on the 15th of August, 10 days past ovulation. Keeping busy was not hard seeing how I was going to Advocare Success School and we had Keira’s surgery the next week. Well time flew and before I knew it was the 15th and time to pee on that stick that had given me so much heartache in the past…

To be continued….

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