Saturday, August 24, 2013

Update: Could it finally be our turn???

Well I know I am not the most consistent blogger in the world lol but I do my best. I jump around between my different blogs trying to focus on what is happening on my life at the moment. We had stopped trying to focus on getting pregnant so this blog got neglected a little bit. Sorry for that.

Anyway to catch everyone up on our family the reason we have been not trying to get pregnant is because my daughter was diagnosed with an aneurysmal bone cyst back in May and we were not sure what was going to come of it. Well just last week she ended up having surgery to remove the cyst and bone graft her bone. See why getting pregnant was not #1 on our list lol. Pretty stressful to know your daughter is going to have surgery at the age of 2.

Well once we knew that surgery was what was going to happen and we knew she would be in good hands we revisited the subject of getting pregnant. I was in the fridge one day and noticed the HMG injections that we had use last summer that failed. Well I noticed that they were getting pretty close to their expiration so I brought it up to Ryan. We decided to give it one more shot. I called and fertility clinic in Omaha to try and get an appointment but they couldn’t get us in until the middle of August. We made that appointment but the wait was going to be forever! (It was the middle of June) Well we really didn’t want to wait that long so we started talking about other options. I suggested just doing the injections ourselves and seeing what happens. I know it’s not the smartest option but I just had this feeling it was what we needed to do. So I sat down at the computer and started research.

After reading about other woman’s protocol and how they took their meds I formulated a plan. Our plan was to do Femara, an oral med, starting on cd3 and taking it for 5 days. Then on cd7 we started the HMG injections and did them for 6 days. I made an appointment with the OB clinic in North Platte to talk to them about doing an ultrasound to see if by chance the meds had worked. I went in and told them what was up and we did the ultrasound. The results were not very promising because there were not mature follicles. I left the doctors office not very hopeful.

Well as the days went on we started thinking about what we were going to do. We still had an appointment in Omaha with the fertility doctor so we figured we would just keep that appointment and see what they had to say. I started looking at medication prices and planning out our next cycle. Well around cd20 I started having some ovulation symptoms. I was kind of shocked because I was pretty sure that this cycle was a bust. Well I kept charting my symptoms and temps and sure enough on cd23 we ovulated! I was floored! We were supposed to be seeing the fertility doctor in a little over a week and we had just ovulated! Now the wait!

I tried so hard to stay hopeful that it would all work out but we had been in this same spot several times before. Every time it had ended in heartache! I tried to keep myself busy so that I would not dwell on it and just wait and see. I had a plan to test for pregnancy on the 15th of August, 10 days past ovulation. Keeping busy was not hard seeing how I was going to Advocare Success School and we had Keira’s surgery the next week. Well time flew and before I knew it was the 15th and time to pee on that stick that had given me so much heartache in the past…

To be continued….

Saturday, May 25, 2013

cleaning out the clutter

Its been a hard few months for me because friends have been having babies and getting pregnant. I had a hard time with it for a while but it is getting better. I excepted a long time ago that we are not going to get pregnant and have more babies. So...I have finally come around and decided to get rid of some of the baby stuff that is collecting dust in my pile of stuff. One step at a time I guess. Small things at first like the bath tub and the towels. Will move onto the larger things with time. I wont get rid of the crib or the cradle  or the car seats till they expire just in case we do end up fostering or I need them for daycare but everything else will slowly go. I can't stand the thought of knowing it is just sitting around not getting any use. I will slowly go through the 5+ totes of cloths and get rid of them too. It for sure will be hard but at this point I don't see the need to keep any of it. *sigh* wish me luck.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


So I have no reason to lie to any of you. No reason at all. So I have been MIA for a while but life gets a hold of everyone and we wonder off into our own little world and forget that people do care.

Well I know it’s been since about November since I posted last so there is a lot that has gone one. After our upset in October I went into a very dark place. I felt that I should not be a mom and I felt that I didn’t disserve my wonderful daughter. However the Holidays helped to turn my mood around a little bit. We went to Thanksgiving at my moms in Colorado and mom and I went black Friday shopping. That was a good time; I enjoyed the time I got to spend with just my mom. Then Christmas rolled around and we went to Grandma Joans like always and spend time with aunts and uncles and cousins. Some time in between there we offered on a house and got an excepted offer back…but more on that later.

Once the New Year roll in we as a family made a choice to get healthier. Don’t get me wrong we are not the unhealthiest people since Advocare has came into our lives, however we still have some work to do. I still have a good 30 lbs to lose before we even think about starting to get pregnant with meds again and Ryan could stand to still lose some pounds himself. This gave me something to think about…to keep my mind off of my failure to do what women were created to do. I started hard and heavy at working out and eating healthy. Well that was all going well until BAM we started talking adoption.

Well adoption seamed like the best route because it had to be easier and cheaper then the fertility treatments. WRONG…. You have to have a husband who is on board with it for it to work. This was something that I thought I had but did not. So the adoption train came to a screeching halt before it even got started. I was already in contact with a birth mother who said she was having twins, so I kept talking to her just in case Ryan changed his mind. Turns out there are cruel people out there who like to mess with the emotions of women who want to adopt a baby. Yeah she was a scammer!

February came in great because we finally got to close on our home. We are not the proud owners of a 4 bed 2 bath 2 story home, and we love it! Let the painting and decorating begin! The only other exciting part of last month was that I was able to attend Advocare Success School! Most amazing time of my life!

So here it is…March… Not much to say other then I still have lots going on and non of it is baby related like I would like it to be. I am back on track to lose weight and I am very blessed to be down almost 20lbs. Life moves forward and faster then you might think… so don’t forget to stop every now and then, take a deep breath and thank God for the blessings I your life!