Saturday, May 25, 2013

cleaning out the clutter

Its been a hard few months for me because friends have been having babies and getting pregnant. I had a hard time with it for a while but it is getting better. I excepted a long time ago that we are not going to get pregnant and have more babies. So...I have finally come around and decided to get rid of some of the baby stuff that is collecting dust in my pile of stuff. One step at a time I guess. Small things at first like the bath tub and the towels. Will move onto the larger things with time. I wont get rid of the crib or the cradle  or the car seats till they expire just in case we do end up fostering or I need them for daycare but everything else will slowly go. I can't stand the thought of knowing it is just sitting around not getting any use. I will slowly go through the 5+ totes of cloths and get rid of them too. It for sure will be hard but at this point I don't see the need to keep any of it. *sigh* wish me luck.